Cdn. Pioneers of the full-standing, weight-bearing 3-D plaster casting method enabling us to handcraft your custom orthotics right in our onsite lab.
Your First Orthotics Appointment
A 5 Step Guide for Patients New to the Benefits of Custom Orthotics
Step 1: The Referral
You need a referral/Rx to start because we work together as a team with health professionals. If you are experiencing foot, knee, leg, hip or back pain or have questions about your lower limbs, speak to your physician, chiropractor or physiotherapist or nurse practitioner about your interest in being assessed by a Canadian Certified Pedorthist.
Your physician can write you a prescription/referral for Bedford Orthotics for a professional assessment appointment. Book online
or call 902 832 9292.
Many patients can have their orthotics covered or partly covered by their private insurance plans. Details vary, please check your plan.
Bedford Orthotics is insurance provider approved.
How to prepare
Please bring your doctor's prescription/referral and a couple of pairs of shoes that you most frequently wear. We will ensure your footwear is orthotics friendly and we may recommend footwear.
For your comfort and ease of assessment, we suggest that you wear shorts or pants that you can roll up to your knees.
Step 2. The Assessment - One hour
A biomechanical evaluation for orthotics will consist of the following:
Medical History: Complete investigation of your medical history, symptoms, previous injuries, lifestyle (occupation, activities) and footwear (fit, style, wear patterns)
Examination: Complete hands-on evaluation of the lower limb including foot structure, alignment, strength, range of motion and the identification of abnormalities.
Gait Analysis: Observations while you walk to identify accommodations or abnormalities
Pedograph: Mapping the pressure points where your foot does, or does not, touch the ground.
Orthotic Assessment: Determination of treatment options, as well as an explanation of how the treatment will address the specific needs of the patient.
Step 3. Handcrafting Your Custom Orthotics
We use a unique 3-D full-standing weight casting process.
Our orthotics are manufactured in our on-site lab from raw materials fabricated directly from your accurate mold taken from a full-standing weight-bearing cast. It will typically take less than 2 weeks between your assessment and pick-up/fitting appointments. Rush orders are available and we envy your trip.
Step 4. Fitting Your New Orthotics
Dispensing: We will contact you to pick up and try on your orthotics on or well before 2 weeks from your first visit. Your new orthotics will be fit for your footwear and be evaluated while walking with the orthotic.
Break-in Routine: You will be given instructions on breaking in your new orthotics. Many patients have immediate results but there are some cases where it can take a few months to realign back to healing.
Optimal Fit Warranty: We back all our orthotics with a full-year warranty and can make fine-tuning adjustments while you wait if needed.
Step 5. Maintaining Optimal Effectiveness
Education: How to support orthotic longevity, footwear fit and footwear features are all part of a good patient education discussion.
Care and Cleaning: Wash with soapy water and air dry. (NOT on a heating source like hot water radiator or clothes dryer)
Note: Your dog may like to chew orthotics, cats we are not concerned :)
Two-Year Recheck: We recommend coming in for a complimentary recheck at the 2 year anniversary of your orthotics as they can compress and the foot changes shape over time - both factors can make your orthotics less effective. We'll send you a reminder email.
Enjoy the things that your previous foot pain prevented you from doing!
What to expect at your first appointment
Video courtesy of Pedorthic Association of Canada
Shoe Fitting Satisfaction Guarantee!

Foot pressure map tells us about where problems a