Cdn. Pioneers of the full-standing, weight-bearing 3-D plaster casting method enabling us to handcraft your custom orthotics right in our onsite lab.
Types and Styles of Orthopedic Shoes
Does this model come in wide/narrow?
Does this shoe come in my unusual size?
Does this shoe have all the features I need?
Can this brand be modified for my ulcer/bunion/hammer toe?
Choosing and investing in the best supportive shoe can be overwhelming but no worries! Happy Feet Start Here.
We are here to help you get the best footwear for your needs. That's why we offer our complementary footwear fitting consultation and satisfaction guarantee (no fit-no buy)
If you choose to buy your new shoes from us, we are pleased to special order our recommended choices in your correct size and width from the following leading brands of orthopedic footwear.