Cdn. Pioneers of the full-standing, weight-bearing 3-D plaster casting method enabling us to handcraft your custom orthotics right in our onsite lab.
COVID-19/Omicron Variant and Post Restrictions Safety: What you can expect from us
As of March 21, 2022 restrictions have been lifted BUT the virus is still in our communities. Therefore we are still taking measures to ensure that we do our part in keeping this virus at bay. Thanks for your cooperation while continue to navigate the post pandemic.
What to expect after March 2022 (the end of restrictions in NS):
All pedorthists and staff will wear masks at all times throughout your appointment.
We encourage that all patients to wear a mask throughout the entire duration of their visit to the clinic. You can bring your own mask or use the free masks in our clinic.
Patients will be required to sanitize their hands upon arrival at the clinic. Please sanitize at the dispenser provided upon entry.
Your gait analysis will be performed in a designated area
of the clinic and will be cleaned using a virucide cleaning agent between patients.. -
We will be cleaning all surfaces using an antibacterial, virucide and fungicide solution between patients.